Saturday, July 30, 2022

Off Air

A re-post, of 12 June 2013. 

On this day, I signed an agreement which takes most of my blog (thousands of posts) "off air".  To meet a deadline, I shut down the entire blog, but hope to restore posts gradually which do not fall under "removal".

POSTSCRIPT: Since this post has reappeared in the charts long after the fact, some hindsight. That same day, Lyons & Brivik judged, in writing, that the agreement was invalid. Neilsons, who drew it up, thereupon quit. The agreement was not witnessed or ratified, as were the requirements in the agreement. After this, the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) judged, in writing, that it contravened the Constitution of the Republic. It was that bad. (I have left my original post intact, above).


Jenny Hillebrand said...

That doesn't sound good for your readers. Or do you mean that you are taking down old posts? I don't suppose that you would be able to expand?

Hope you keep writing!

Steve Hayes said...

It sounds exeedingly odd. Like the CIA is after you for Wikileaks or something. Have you been sheltering Assange?