Thursday, September 12, 2013

Taking Photos

I love to take photos. I have a good camera -- and once in a while I get a good shot. One of the challenges is "No cameras", and in South Africa one doesn't quite know where to anticipate this. In my experience, I have been ordered or asked to turn off my camera several times in government spaces (some places one wouldn't expect) -- also by angry rioters (see the photo), at a police cordon (by police), in a township (by shy residents), outside a synagogue (by security), and once an Apostolic Church made me delete photos. On the other hand, people sometimes love me to take photos -- ask me to take photos. Mostly, they just don't mind.

1 comment:

Steve Hayes said...

I once took a photo of a Dutch Reformed Church, and a guy who happened to be driving past stopped and demanded to know why i was taking it. I saw no need to tell him, but in fact it was an example of a certain style of ecclesiastical architecture popular in the 1940s.

If you're interested, you can see it here: Miscellany: church photography, snoopers, writing, privatisation | Khanya