Friday, February 21, 2014

Post-Traumatic Stress

A more recent rumour that circulated about me in ministry was that, fifteen years ago, I had a breakdown (as if it should matter). That was a tough year, but in reality I didn't skip a beat in ministry, and had a working Sabbatical with nearly fifty public engagements. But here's some truth. In 1990 -- many years before, that is -- I suffered post-traumatic stress, which is serious. Personally, I think that a Church would respond as follows: 1. We missed this? What were we doing? It happens so often in ministry. 2. How can we encourage and strengthen our minister? And 3. God's strength is perfected in weakness. Let's see what God does through this. I was in the midst of a "rampant" ministry in 1990, and I think that, by and large, my congregation responded as I describe. I was only disappointed that my sick leave was transmuted to furlough! -- and, that they missed it. But then, so did I. OBSERVATION: Congregations may also respond the opposite way: nothing to learn here, judge him or her, and weakness is weakness is weakness. A historical example of love under such circumstances is the famous Isaac Watts -- also (less striking) Charles Spurgeon.

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