Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Secret Reports

At the time that I resigned from urban ministry, some people drew up reports about me, which were read out to the assembled Church in part or in full. I wasn't there. Our "Church attorney" (who typically served the Church) judged that I was "absolutely entitled" to see them and respond, best immediately. She wrote that "natural justice" so dictated. I asked for the reports. There was no response. She wrote: "My feeling is that you shouldn't hold your breath ..." Then the Church leadership wrote: "We see no good coming from furnishing you with copies ..." Multiple requests failed. Key people distanced themselves from the reports. The Human Rights Commission advised me to sue. I then claimed the reports in terms of an Act of Parliament and the Bill of Rights (PAIA). The Church refused. OBSERVATION: I would have thought the normal response would be: "We're so sorry! We really want you to see that everything is OK! Here are the reports." I handed the matter to attorneys -- to open up the reports. At a cost of a cool R1 200 an hour.

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