Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Visitation Vexation

This is about a pair of painful experiences I had re visitation. In my first (major) ministry, a woman stood up in a Church Meeting and said: "The minister never visits!" In fact she was the most-visited (and a much visited) member of the Church! I was caught off guard and didn't respond (I just fumed). In my second (major) ministry, we put checks and balances in place: I regularly ran my visitation programme past the Church Meeting, I set aside special weeks for visitation, I announced them, and put out regular invitations for members to indicate whether they would like me to include them. Then I gave the Church feedback. But again, the visitation accusation came up. Someone asked the Church for a show of hands as to who the minister had visited over the past six months. Of those who were there, it was few.  Yet I had visited as planned, as announced, more days than not. My focus had been special visitation, in crucial areas. Again I was caught off guard and didn't respond (I just fumed)! OBSERVATION: What should one do? It is difficult. Greater spiritual preparedness on the part of the minister would have helped, so as to have a kind and ready answer. Also, critics were not acting in good faith. They should have thought twice. As a matter of interest, traditionally visitation is not basic to Congregational ministry. However, I myself regard it as essential. Visitation is regarded as being the domain of all office-bearers and members, as well as the minister. (I snapped the kitten on visitation).

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