Saturday, July 4, 2015

Assessing Raiders

I previously blogged about raids to my premises. In some cases, personal papers were the only target. Who or why isn't important here. This post is one of assessment of the raiders' craft. • On the plus side, very slick. Photos show heavy bolts gently taken apart. Also, they left no trace -- no fingerprints, no footprints, nothing. • On the minus side, they missed the hot stuff. Miss your target once or twice, and there will be diminishing returns. It may be a huge waste for a client. And they couldn't pick cross-locks, a more advanced skill, although they managed Yale and Xpanda. And not only did they keep dropping papers, they dumped them where they were found. Finally, unless it's intentional, one can't afford to reveal motives in the mix, which poses a greater risk not only for raiders, but for those who gave orders.

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