Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Ministers' Wives

I met a pastor in a book store. He introduced me to his wife. I asked her what her role was in the Church. She said: "To be a support to my husband." OBSERVATION: Many minister’s wives become nervous, even panicky about their husband’s work, so that they fail to be the best support. It is common in ministry, which has extraordinary challenges. This is how I would see "the best support": Above all, I think, if this should be a wife's calling, she needs to have the eye of faith. The best kind of support she can be is to support her husband's calling and anointing. To put this another way: it is because of what God has chosen to do through him, by His grace, that a wife supports him -- it is not, in a sense, her husband himself whom she supports.

1 comment:

Jenny Hillebrand said...

It might sound odd, but I think it is also a calling to be a minister's spouse. It isn't easy!