Sunday, September 13, 2015

Policy Towards The Poor

Attending Church this morning, a vagrant in the Church hall greeted me enthusiastically. I said: "How do you know who I am?" I didn't know it until I left urban ministry on the Atlantic, how warmly our policy towards vagrants had been received. It was tough, because vagrants were often unthankful, aggressive, drunk, disruptive, even violent. But here are some of the things I think we did right: While we were modest in our giving, I set aside time to give them personal counselling and advice and prayer. The goal was not to let them leave without being enriched or helped in some kind of way. Also, we warmly welcomed them in Church, and gave them all kinds of advocacy and ministry free and with love (for example, referrals, or funerals). OBSERVATION: It was loving care, but it had to be no nonsense, and sometimes we were very tough.

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