Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Big Picture

A few people have asked me: What is the Big Picture with regard to the police, through the posts on this blog? Here it is. Four people laid charges against me, all of which were thrown out. One needs to bear in mind the profile of these cases. The police identified two of these people (an attorney and his wife), but not the other two.
Problem 1: I asked to see the information on which I had been charged. Then I applied a little pressure, among other things sending an attorney to the police's front desk. The police reacted with a string of offences, clearly aimed at suppressing the information.
Problem 2: I reported these offences to senior officers, but received extraordinary resistance. My core report, signed by Col. Kemp, is now unaccounted for (I hold an original, which is one of two). By the looks of it, the offences are suppressed.
Problem 3: I experienced an extraordinary trail of havoc, which included searches, sabotage, and threats, as recently as last month. I turned of course to the police. But much of the police's response to this was irregular.
OBSERVATION: These issues have not been resolved. And a brief note on the searches. It was security officers who judged, on the evidence, that it was "professional" jobs. The police so far viewed none of the evidence in this regard. One can call the incidents break-ins, but that is an inadequate description.

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