Sunday, December 11, 2016

Ministry Time Logs

Ministers are sometimes advised to keep time logs. I don't think it is a good idea. I did it once, at the request of my Church leadership -- the reason being that they wanted to help me cut back. I should give each entry a title, a description, and note the time involved -- then write it up neatly and do daily analyses. It was a disaster. The phone rang. Before the call ended, the doorbell rang. Before I had finished at the door, the phone rang. I got called out. Then there were calls to return. I forgot my log. Events rained on my days like confetti. I really didn't have time to do the log. Besides, some of it looked odd, as only ministry can. OBSERVATION: My main complaint is that one cannot measure -- and cannot afford to measure -- spiritual expenditure in terms of hours and minutes. It is dangerous. This is a subject more complex than can be addressed in one post.

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