Friday, December 14, 2018


I am journal published in the field of gnomonics (among others). Gnomonics is the science of telling the time by the motions of the sun and the earth. This would all be very easy -- if the earth did not wobble and loop. With important contributions from my son, I designed an altitude dial, just a few millimetres thick, which may be worn on the wrist like a wristwatch. It has a maximum error of about 5 minutes -- when made that small. Further, it is a collimating altitude dial, which means that it indicates the time through beams of sunlight which, when drawn into parallel, shine a bright, sharp pointer onto the watch's surface. OBSERVATION: I built rough prototypes, but I really wish I could perfect it. I believe it would be a commercial hit. It could be made out of three flat parts.

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