Friday, August 30, 2024

Damaging Fictions

Several times, during the last year, people have circulated defamation against me. Several times, it came back to me via e-mail -- there were people in each case who copied it back to me. Some of it has been distortions of reality, some of it off-the-wall. Here are some claims:

• That I sought to access people's personal information e.g. bank account numbers (but no, I can't even think up a reason why I would)
• That I tried to derail the sale of a house (the fact is, I granted written consent to a sale, without reservation)
• That I reported an Executor to the Master of the High Court (in fact, the Master reported an Executor to me -- I just double-checked that to be sure)
• Numerous personal attacks, e.g. that I cannot be considered sane (I wonder who issued the diagnosis -- it wasn't my psychiatrist, and I didn't ever have one)

The actual falsehoods are several pages long, and circulated by several different people. Is there a connection between these people? It looks like it, yes. Some connection. OBSERVATION: I have asked legal minds involved to check: do we have a "poisoning of the well" here?

POSTSCRIPT: The fictions have returned to me so routinely, it reminds me of the Bible verse, "Your hand shall find out all your enemies."

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