Sunday, May 25, 2014

Ministry By Members

This is a repost, to give an idea of the typical, and considerable, 'wheeling' I have done as a minister to keep the trademark (for Congregationalists) ministry by members going: "The past two Sundays, I asked an elder to lead us in saying the General Confession, a young man to give a short salvation testimony, and our intern sang a song. In the weeks to come, there’ll be a Christian book review, a testimony which came about through great tragedy, a member's personal confession of sin, an item by our Youth Choir, a responsive psalm led by a young woman, a member will teach the congregation Christian basics, another will lead our Sunday prayers, and an elder will lead us in saying the General Thanksgiving. OBSERVATION: Several items above, on the surface of it, may not seem to include personal ministry. However, they include personal introductions. Such introductions often turn a mere 'item' into ministry. The introductions may be more important than the item."


Steve Hayes said...

I;ve just been editing my diaries of 40 years ago for the archives of the community in which I was then serving. And one of the things that stands out is the struggle for, and over, that very thing.

Thomas O. Scarborough said...

Thank you Steve for an intriguing comment. This one would deserve some explication!