I spent the whole of today converting my late wife Mirjam's life's work to .epub (eBook) format
, now available here: Called to Mission. It was previously published in
paperback in 2012.
That is, it may now be downloaded instantly and viewed on (for example) an iPad or a Nook, at $7.95. According to the meta-study ReMAP, between 1992 and 1994 one
missionary in twenty prematurely left mission service each year. That is, half of all missionaries would be lost every thirteen years. With this in mind, it was widely thought that a clear
sense of call served to prevent such dropout. This detailed and
compassionate study of Mennonite women missionaries in Central Africa found this to be true -- but only in the short term. In the long term, the sense
of call itself tended to turn on the call -- resulting in large-scale burnout and
dropout. Through extensive field work, Mirjam charted the course of
missionaries who remodelled the call, turning its burden into blessing.
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