Friday, June 27, 2014

Tribute To A Choirmaster

Sadly, early this week, Henry Isaacs, a past choirmaster of my old Church, passed away. He is seen here top right. He was much loved: musically very talented, a spirited character, a wag, occasionally so much as scandalising people. He and his choir were an 'institution' in the Church over many years, and under his leadership joined various other choirs, away or at home, thus forging ties and in practice softening denominationalism. Under his leadership, the choir introduced a sung Amen at the end of most services, in English, Afrikaans, or Xhosa (or all three together). This photo was taken on the 14th of September 2003. Henry moved with his wife Lizzie (front right) to Hopefield, about 130km/80mi north of Cape Town, where I went to visit them in their retirement. As will be seen, our choir wore a uniform at that time.

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