Friday, November 13, 2015

Official Re-Writes

A public body said to me that they had received a crucial letter about a complaint I lodged. They summarised the contents for me. I said, just send me a copy of the letter, that will do. Why re-tell it? But no copy. I put in an official request. They defaulted on my request. They said that they never received it. But they did. I had proof of delivery. I put in another official request. They gave me another summary of the letter. I said, just send me a copy of the letter. Why re-write it? Again they defaulted on my request. I said what's up? What's the difficulty? They replied that my request needed "further handling". I said where do I find further handling in the rules? Just send me a copy. You missed the deadline, twice. OBSERVATION: Another day in South Africa.

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