Thursday, December 17, 2015

My Third Ministry

My third ministry was my first major ministry: St. David's Congregational Church. A congregation in Port Elizabeth -- a "provincial town" -- decided to call a minister to build a Church. The membership was large (about 300), while the congregation was small (say 35). But once the Church was built, the congregation exploded in size -- to nearly 200 total on a Sunday. We further bought a manse and appointed a secretary and a youth pastor. I was appointed to two consulent ministries besides, and towards the end of this ministry, to national office. And a son was born. But it was all too much. I reported to our deacons: "I can't cope." A deacon replied: "Whatever you are doing, just keep doing it!" Six years into this ministry, I suffered post-traumatic stress. Among other things there was an incident with a gun. This, together with the drag of a negative leadership, told me that it was time to move on -- which I did four years later. OBSERVATION: I determined never to do it again -- to make my focus the "establishment" of a Church (the buildings, organisation, staff, and so on). In future, my focus would be radically spiritual. A minister who followed me recognised the problem of "drag", and addressed it directly. I determined to address things more directly, too, in the future. The photo shows the congregation -- and the building -- today.

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