Sunday, December 27, 2015

“Not An Innocent Pastime”

In 2013, I signed a parting memorandum with my Church. Shortly after that, the attorney who put it together sent me a message: “Your payment from the proceeds: the agreement: ...” followed by the agreement, but this was falsified. That is, the attorney sent me something that had been fundamentally changed. However, I received it in trust -- one doesn't normally think that an agreement was altered -- and so for a while I was disorientated. Ultimately I lodged a complaint with the attorney's registering body. The registering body responded: you signed the original didn't you, so what's the big deal? The original, they judged, “governed” the matter. OBSERVATION: Well yes, however an unsigned fake with an attorney's name at the top doesn't seem to me to be innocent. I would think the registering body lost its bearings on this one. (As to who really drafted the fake, that is another question).

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