Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Prophecy

Someone asked me this morning about prophecy. I said it is a gift which is typically interpreted as forthtelling rather than foretelling. While preaching is the general application of the Word, forthtelling is the specific application. Someone added, the canon is closed. There is no new revelation from God. Having said this, I had a personal experience of prophecy. When I was about 38, a woman, said to be a prophetess, stopped me in the street. She told me that when I turned 50, something big, really big, would happen in my life. When I turned 50, my wife died. OBSERVATION: The sceptic might say that big things happen all the time, or that she was just taking a chance. Myself, I don't know, and don't know what the purpose would have been, except to say that God was in charge.

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