Sunday, February 21, 2016

If They Had

Last month I reported seven intrusions to the police, and what looked like an attempted eighth. And it looked personal. I named a culprit, who had confessed. But the police failed to open a case. Major Evertson wrote to me: This was not the police. Maybe there was a muddle, I thought, or a mistake. I tried again to open a case. This time Colonel Scanlen first placed a call, then bluntly refused the charges. I noted on this blog: "I seem to have no recourse to the law." But I should be OK, I thought. Unfortunately I was not. This month I was hit again, with five intrusions. Again it looked personal. This time it was a Big One. The police opened a case. However, they refused to record that personal documents were missing. OBSERVATION: If the police had acted differently, would I have recovered my losses? If they had acted differently, could another hit have been stopped?

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