Thursday, February 25, 2016

Popular Little Alarm

There is a popular little self-contained PIR alarm, the Starlux ST96 Sensor Alarm, made in Ningbo, China -- sold worldwide under various names. As an electronics designer, I really like the design. I bought a few this week. A disadvantage, though, is that they deliver only 60 decibels for five seconds at a time. I wanted them to do "industrial" things for minutes at a time. So I examined the insides today, and modified one. There literally was an explosion. Bang! R360 gone. I modified another one. Bang! R720 gone. This was getting to be a bit steep, so I repaired them both, then started again. Finally I had my "industrial" alarm. OBSERVATION: With a 9V power supply, and 5V innards, to switch 12V, it was a challenge. I may put my design(s) on my blog in time.

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