One of my professors once said that our problem today is not merely that moderns have lost morality. This may not always be true. Instead, they have replaced one morality with another. An example from experience stands out for me. A congregant asked to see me in my vestry. He said that his conscience was troubling him. He had been at a karaoke bar, he said, where he had picked up a prostitute. He took her back to his flat, then found her rifling through his things. He had a fit of temper, and she fled down the stairs. But she left her jacket behind. The matter of conscience was that he considered it his bounden duty to return the jacket. He had been to the karaoke bar to look for her, he said, but he couldn't find her, and now he was disturbed to have something in his possession which was not his. OBSERVATION: Now in the context of sin and repentance, would you first speak to him about the jacket, or the prostitute?
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