Sunday, October 15, 2017

To Add Or Not To Add

I am re-posting some notes on my blog from February 2012. It is a topic which is ever relevant in the Church -- and that particular post had effects which were not contained in the post itself: "Another minister attended our Church yesterday. Looking over our congregation at the end of the service, he asked me: 'Why have you not appointed a Youth Pastor?' This has in fact been discussed often in private, less often in meetings. There comes a point where a Church is too small to appoint another pastor, too large not to. I would think that we have been in such a position, on and off, for years. But would our Church have the faith for such a step? Perhaps that is the question. However, from the practical point of view, it would seem like biting off too much. It is, however, well known that Churches grow that grow their staff." OBSERVATION: This post, which was enormously popular, had two effects. My big thinking was welcomed on the one hand -- on the other hand, people said it served as evidence that the minister was indolent.

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