Wednesday, February 6, 2019


I thought that my treatment of miracles in my magnum opus might dent its image, so it was with trepidation that I tweeted that it was "probably yes" to two questions: "Are miracles possible? " and "Are they necessary?" But instead of denting the work's image, this has garnered enormous interest. OBSERVATION: Old arguments in favour of miracles are tired and worn. As best I know, my arguments are new. Nor did I expect to develop them -- they stared me in the face when I added a new chapter. There are different definitions of miracles, but this would not make much difference to this post.


Anonymous said...

There are Every-Day Miracles, such as birth. Then there are Miracle Miracles, which is God's supernatural intervention into natural processes.

Thomas O. Scarborough said...

David Hume called 'miracle miracles' a transgression of a law of nature. I would add another kind to your two, in between -- where a miracle is any intervention of God in this world, including supposedly 'impossible' (but possible) events -- even fairly ordinary incidents to the human eye, in which God was involved.