Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Snap Decisions (Big Ones)

Following the second tragic crash of a Boeing 737 Max 8, some countries took a snap decision to stop this plane both entering and leaving the country -- one example being Australia. This was a big decision, potentially involving billions of dollars, and based on opinion more than fact at this stage. Who had the power to do this, without convening parliament? This is a problem ministers face -- and I have faced. The minister perceives that there is a critical situation, which demands a snap decision. The facts are not certain. Can it be done? OBSERVATION: In my own Churches, there has been some  provision for this. The minister may in some cases take major decisions, on condition that he refers them soonest to the members.

POSCSRIPT: In 1954, the entire de Havilland Comet fleet was withdrawn from service for four years. The Comet disasters were still a talking point in my youth.

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