Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Rectifying The Deficit (Not)

All over the world, Churches are challenged with the under-representation of young adults especially. During my nearly 20-year city ministry (see the previous post) there was a nearly 500% increase in the age group 0-35, which brought it up to 67% of the ideal. Yet I was steadfastly criticised for the missing 33%. Those who took the Church forward told me they would rectify this. OBSERVATION: They did not. In fact, they went into reverse. I wonder now whether they are dissatisfied with that. Why the reversal? First, there are not many Churches which would make up the missing 33%. But going on my previous post, one could say that it is due to a reduction of ministry by (rather than to) the 0-35s. However, ministry by 0-35s is merely a part of the Congregational ethos, and that in turn is merely a part of spirituality as a whole.

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