Friday, April 5, 2019

Facebook Snooping

Snooping on people's mail would now seem to be brazen and systematic, and by respected names. This week on Wednesday at 7:37 am, I wrote to an academic at George Whitfield College (GWC), through Facebook Messenger: "Thank you for sharing that with me, about the need for researchers." I was replying to a personal conversation we had. On Wednesday at 11:02 am, Oxford University contacted me via e-mail: "Academic researcher? Please get in touch!" The academic at GWC replied to my message only the next day. OBSERVATION: This is surely no fluke. It is Facebook sharing private mail with Oxford University. There have been similar incidents before.

POSTSCRIPT:  This might help explain it. A BBC headline on 18 April 2019: "Facebook scraped email contacts of 1.5 million users."

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