Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Administrative Mornings

In order to make orderly progress in ministry, I have set aside administrative mornings, to deal with (almost) everything in one. The largest tasks have tended to be these:
• Working through files, correspondence, reminders and so on, on my vestry desk.
• Reviewing personal notes I have made and condensing these into a to-do list.
• Planning forthcoming services -- orders of service and special items in particular. And
• Preparing a list of things for the office secretary to implement. 
OBSERVATION: There may be a lot of detail involved such mornings. The first two items above, for me, have typically meant reviewing around 100 pages, and the to-do list has typically ended up 50-100 items long. The photo was taken in 2009 -- an intern assisting me on an administrative morning -- my various papers in the foreground.

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