Friday, June 28, 2019

Asking For Raises

Many ministers struggle as to whether they should ask for a raise -- or more simply, whether they should state their basic needs. I don't think there is a consensus on this, and my late wife and I discussed it between us many times. My own policy, throughout my ministries, has been not to ask -- unless, and only if, it has been formally promised before hand. It was the policy of my parents, too, who were in missions and ministry. In fact, I twice asked for a reduction of my salary -- both times minuted -- once to ease the Church's finances (the proposal was accepted), and once so that other staff salaries could be raised (this proposal was rejected). OBSERVATION: Rumours often target a minister's attitude towards his or her salary. Under the best of circumstances, I think that a minister would have a designated advocate in such matters. Many denominations have ground rules about dealing with salaries.

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