Thursday, July 4, 2019

Criminal Contravention

This is a "no comment" post. It speaks for itself. The Director of the Legal Department of the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA) Jane O'Connor is here speaking to me about the Church Auditor under my city ministry, who was found to be a fraud (click ⊳ to Play):

The IRBA Legal Director: "It's actually a statutory, it's a criminal contravention. So we then lay a complaint with the police. We do all of that, you don't have to do it. It's not a disciplinary contravention done by us internally, it's actually a statutory offence." 
Myself: "I just don't want to make a mistake, because I like to tread safely, you know. So if I go talk to people, I can, I think, say that there is an offence." 
The IRBA Legal Director: "Yes, you can!"
But today I received this (an extract) from the IRBA Information Officer Bernard Agulhas:

POSTSCRIPT: I was not aware that the Information Officer is the CEO.

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