Thursday, November 28, 2019

Greed And Sacrifice

Over on Facebook, a minister friend wrote: "Many people have no clue whatsoever that many pastors deprive themselves and their families of good or beautiful things, just so that God's Work may look great." I replied: "I think this is true of every minister I know personally, but ministers do not advertise that." OBSERVATION: There was an incident, during my ministry, where someone stood up in Church while I away, and accused me of greed. We asked a Church consultant to investigate. In a written report, he found that I was "sacrificial", and incapable of stating my needs (David Newby of DNA Consulting). The greed claim was made a second time. Attorneys investigated, and reported in writing that they found "extraordinary generosity" on my part (Jan Hildebrand of GSK Hildebrand). I know that this is what many ministers do not talk about.

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