Saturday, November 16, 2019

Presbyterian Ministers Respond

Recently two Presbyterian ministers, Rev. Dr. Langerman and Rev. Conradie, made false statements about me. I asked city attorneys (Hildebrand) to study the matter. Yes, absolutely, they said. I was correct. They requested "full apology for the false statements and errors made". I received a blizzard of responses from Presbyterian ministers. Here is just a sample, all of it on record:
• The statements were "their perspective OK. Leave it."
• "We'll all need to get on in heaven."
• I should "show forgiveness".
• "Hand them over to the Lord in prayer."
• Besides, most Presbyterian ministers "don't even care".
• But there "actually isn't time" to address the matter.
• And there isn't any "avenue for recourse" in the Church.
• I painted a bad picture of myself in presenting this.
• It would cause me pain and anguish if I didn't drop it.
And so on. My opinion of the matter: this doesn't paint a healthy picture. My attorneys' request was clear. The issues were clear. At this point in time, Rev. Dr. Langerman and Rev. Conradie have denied all right of reply. They made their claims and closed the door. One of Rev. Conradie's claims -- that I belong to an organisation I don't belong to -- already affected me profoundly.

POSTSCRIPT: I requested that the Presbyterian Church invoke Section 18 of their Manual of Faith and Order.

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