Friday, April 3, 2020

Youth Leader Testimony

It is a Congregational tradition to share one's testimony in Church. In early Congregationalism, every member did. One of our Youth leaders once shared her tesimony in Church. I asked her afterwards if I could have her notes. She wrote:
“I’d hit rock bottom. That time of broken dreams. There’s a beautiful song: ‘At the end of broken dreams, people need the Lord.’ All dried up -- no love inside -- no love to give out. Emotionally in hiding and all alone. Carrying all that burden of all I’d done wrong and all that had gone wrong. But I was led to the cross -- to Jesus -- and found the source of all love and forgiveness. A fresh start -- a new beginning. I felt a depth of love like I’d never known before. Life’s challenges were nothing to be afraid of any more -- His Spirit was inside me -- I felt safe. God was in control. I’m a new person -- round peg in a round hole.”

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