Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Ministry Now or Then?

A post popped up on my Facebook page this morning, urging Black Christians in particular to seek secular training first, then go for ministry. I have officially mentored five Black pastors -- or to be more exact, four Black and one Coloured. This means that I did so by decision of the Church. Four of these five went straight for the ministry. Three were ordained. But one bombed out, and one burnt out. That means 60% success, which is strong. Arguments for secular training first: you have backup skills, and you know the world. Arguments for going straight for the ministry: you could lose the fire, and God may be calling you now. OBSERVATION: It is a big issue, which needs to be considered. In the Congregational Church, the whole Church recognises a person's gifting and calling, and backs it materially and spiritually.

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