Thursday, March 24, 2022

Missing Donation

Years ago now, a chartered accountant, retired, looked over our Church's accounts, and told me that, in the figures, there was money missing. I reported this confidentially to the diaconate, and emphasised that this was not my own observation. The rest "is history". Someone made it public, and finally a Church consultant cleared me of any ill will. Now here is what happened earlier that same year. R21,405 went missing, from our donations. It was a strange fluke that I ever found out. I took it up privately with the officer concerned. The officer denied it. I produced the evidence. OBSERVATION: People knew that I was worried about the chartered accountant's observation. They didn't know what had happened just before. Now a ministry question. For the good of the Church, should I have approached the officer publicly? And some advice: always read the bank statements. (Details which could reveal the donor are removed from this slip).

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