Friday, August 23, 2024

4.5 kg Carbon Emissions per Tin

It seems that ChatGPT is so clever that it should be quite impossible to trick. I try even so -- and sometimes, I believe I succeed. On the basis of a section on Big Data in my forthcoming Malta lecture, I told ChatGPT today that I wanted a tin of adzuki beans direct from China. ChatGPT commented they were popular, hearty, healthy, and so on -- and there were some "great" companies that could expedite my order. Did I need more assistance? OK, I asked, how much would this cost in carbon emissions? The answer: about 4.5 kg CO₂ per ½ kg tin. OBSERVATION: On the other hand, I asked ChatGPT if I could burn a Rembrandt to warm my hands. It caught onto that one.

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