Sunday, August 18, 2024

99.5% of a Million

My blog, today, has passed 99.5% of a million views. It is coming very close to passing a million, therefore -- although in reality it did so a while ago (the counter in the right hand column is behind). Readership continues to be diverse, with the top five nations among readers -- in the last week -- being Singapore, the USA, South Africa, Israel, and Germany, in that order. Although it is a ministry blog, there are two Muslim-majority nations among the top 20, and one Hindu-majority nation.


Steve Hayes said...

I have a widget on my blog that is supposed to measure page views, and says I have had 296 visits this week, and over 1000 this month. An accompanying map show that most are from North Americas, some from Western Europe and China, a few from the Middle East and Ukraine, and fewer still from South America, Southern Africa & SE Asia. I have doubts about its accuracy. There are hardly ever any comments, and little to indicate what interests them about it.

Thomas Scarborough said...

It's hard to tell, I think, what the statistics really signify. They must signify something! And sometimes they do look odd. For instance, for a time, most people looked into my blog from Tajikistan.