Thursday, August 15, 2024

New Owners

I received a shock this week, although I had premonitions of it. The apartment where wife E and I live was sold. And the new owners reacted as if to say, It's ours! Ours! Cancel our lease! Burn the bridges! We're moving in! Away with the tenants! Now! The trouble is, in their enthusiasm they acted both foolishly and illegally. One can't do that. For one thing, our own lease, which they have now adopted, is clear that we need a certain period of notice. OBSERVATION: Some blame the new owners for this. Some blame their advisers. The new owners are now in a perilous position, having burnt their bridges. We were informed, too, that our present lease was renewable after a year. However, that was a verbal commitment, and people's word is no longer their bond.

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