Tuesday, September 17, 2024

E-Mails on Two Levels

E-mail systems function on two levels. On one level, humans communicate. On another level, machines communicate. I frequently use a little-known feature of e-mails called MDN's. Not all e-mail services have them, but MDN's inform one how humans at the other side have interacted with their machines. Recently I corresponded with a government advocate. He requested action on a certain matter, and a report-back, and copied this to several people. When there was no report-back, I sent a quick query. An MDN showed me that he had called up the Sender and Subject line of my query. He saw a Request Read Receipt. He ignored this, and pressed DEL instead -- without opening the e-mail. OBSERVATION: In this case, his public image seemed to show a receptive and responsible man -- but the MDN appeared to show the opposite.

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