Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Near Death Experiences

There is a fairly widespread awareness today of Near Death Experiences (NDE's) -- by which I mean out-of-body experiences rather than "close shaves". Before the advent of the Internet, many ministers were unaware of them. However, I became aware of such experiences early on in ministry. After seven years of full-time ministry, I met a man who told me he was standing on a ladder, working on a gutter, when he fell over backwards, hit a post with the back of his head, and fell into a coma. He would not have pulled through, he said, unless two women at his hospital bedside had implored him to wake up. Yes, but how did he know that they were imploring him, if he was in a coma? He said that he watched it all from above. I believed him -- and listened out for similar clues. They were all over. Personally, about a dozen people may have shared their experiences with me.

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