Friday, November 18, 2016

Driven By Depression

This week there have been disturbing reports about torture in our prisons. I have been trained to look for the sub-text, particularly through postgraduate work I did through the South African Theological Seminary (SATS). Almost as an afterthought, one on-line article (Tales of Torture at Prisons) notes that prisons officials "would have operated on adrenaline [in the context of PTSD], even though they had received 'textbook' training". Again and again, from my experience in ministry, I have observed law enforcement officials and have said that they are at the end of their ability to cope. People like that have to behave in certain ways. The torture (and disintegration) is not coming from, as it were, wanton officials. It is driven by depression, and that which lies behind it. OBSERVATION: I would think that this is a national priority, yet hardly anyone seems to see it.

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