Monday, April 9, 2018


The best value for money print edition of my book An Arranged Love is surely the Black and White Photo Edition (pictured). It has by now reached two people in South Africa that I know. The first recipient wrote that she finished the book in one day, and a line of people wanted it next. The second buyer called up wife E yesterday, and said she had finished the book in one afternoon -- and no, she wouldn't part with it for anyone, not even E. E asked me what was making it so addictive -- she has preferred not to read it. OBSERVATION: Unfortunately the cost of postage is high to (South) Africa -- however the book is also available for Kindle and compatible devices, which removes the cost of paper and postage. I finished most of the book a few years ago, up on the plateau which is E's childhood home. I finally decided to complete it in January. There are also text-only and colour photo editions.

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