Saturday, January 16, 2021

Things and Words

I have been struggling with core terms of my magnum opus. Recently I appealed to one of my former editors for advice. Although I was using just a handful of core terms, I felt that there were still too many. Recently I reduced my core terms to three: things, concepts, and words. Now I am seeking to reduce them to two: things and words. Here are crucial propositions:
"Concepts are things, and things are concepts," and 
"Things are the contents of words."
OBSERVATION: How does this matter? If this is so, then things no longer need to cohere in space and in time. This changes one's analysis of them. Words, too, may be more than (as Bloomfield called them) minimal. The relationship between things and words, then, is fairly straightforward. Since things are the contents of words, when we arrange words, we arrange things. 

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