Thursday, April 17, 2008

† Rob Robertson

I attended the funeral of Rev. Rob Robertson today (see photo). Among other things, he was known for pioneering multiracial congregations in South Africa. Not a few prominent people came out of his Churches. At 82, he was hit by a car while jogging. OBSERVATION: He had a personal influence on me many years ago. The man leading the funeral service (in the photo), Rev. Dr. Robert Steiner, was in the same doctoral programme as wife M.

NOTE: This has been a sought-after post. Therefore I have upgraded the photo to VGA resolution. You may click on it to enlarge it. See for a bio of Rob.


Steve Hayes said...

That's sad news!

What happened?

I haven't seen him for several years now, but was thinking about him earlier today.

Thomas O. Scarborough said...

There are to be memorial services in Johannesburg and Durban in the coming days. I don't have further details.