Monday, September 6, 2010

Experimenter Lives

Several years ago, I invented a medical device, which several companies subsequently put into production (there's a brief description at Medical Device). It is a micropower device which pulses a vanishingly small amount of power through the skin. This morning, I happened to apply it to my head. Instantly there was a flash and sparks, as though lightning had hit the room -- but no sound. I said to myself: "Phew, what happened? Did I blow out the mains?" But of course, impossible, this is a micropower device, and no connection with the mains. Then it dawned on me -- ah, I'd just applied it to my head! OBSERVATION: In fact I ignored a caution that appears in my own original instructions. It's a little unsettling to see that manufacturers have stripped out that caution -- no doubt to preserve the appearance of safety.


Jenny Hillebrand said...

Are you ok? Should we watch for odd patterns in your blog posts . . .

Thomas O. Scarborough said...

Welcome on board, and thank you for your entry in my captain's log. Next stop Bermuda.