Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Disconnected House

Curiously, while the cottage that E. and I are building is within catapult shot of the local café, it is too far from electricity and water to really make connecting viable. But there are various things that depend on such connections: water, in one's bathroom and kitchen -- not to speak of hot water -- and lighting, refrigeration, cooking, and security. So I am figuring out ways to address each one. OBSERVATION: Yesterday I solved the cooking issue -- delivering a wood-fired stove to the plot. That's a shelf (on the left) that gets screwed on top of the stove. One of the labourers said: "Sheesh! If the shelf is this heavy, how will we move the stove?" Warm water is the outstanding problem. I have considered a donkie -- a kind of wood-fired geyser -- as well as solar and gas. But then, hands up who had warm water in their childhood. Not me. Not my wife. Not my parents. Not her parents. You may click on the photo to enlarge to 270k.

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