Monday, December 21, 2015

After-Effects [1]

Imagine this situation in your Church (as a minister). You discover that one of your deacons has been involved in immoral behaviour. In fact, it's a classic. You request a meeting with him, and you deal with it kindly. "It's my fault," he says, "my own grievous fault! I don't deserve to be a deacon. I need your counsel and your prayers. And you, you have my full support. You have a wonderful ministry." You feel relieved with such an outcome, which seems right in every respect. Together with him, you commit the situation to God in prayer, and you pledge to support your (now ex) deacon pastorally. But the next thing, someone confronts you is in a towering rage: "You autocratic so-and-so! This man was our greatest asset! And you fired him? Who do you think voted him into office?" "He resigned," you say. "And it's personal." "Personal?! We have the right to know!" And so on ... OBSERVATION: I'll leave it here for the reader to ponder. In my next post (tomorrow), a potentially more serious after-effect ...

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