Sunday, January 17, 2016

Cause And Effect

One of my former lecturers, an Assistant Professor in the USA, Dr. Shelley Trebesch, has just had a new book published: Made to Flourish (an extract above). You have an organisational problem, she says -- say a problem in a Church -- so you try an obvious fix, which she calls a "quick fix". Say, redeploying staff because they are in physical danger. I'd rather call it an obvious fix. But the fix is worse than the problem. And it's as simple as cause and effect, she says. You think that doing X will bring about Y -- but it doesn't. OBSERVATION: On this simple level, this is a good summary of Churches. You have to know which cause X will bring about which effect Y. Most people don't even guess the solutions in the Church, which in my view is not like any other kind of organisation.

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