Thursday, February 18, 2016

That Weirdness Again

I encountered today -- depending how one counts (see elsewhere on this blog) -- a further five raids to my property as I have referred to them sometimes. I was so upset that I parked my car back to front outside the police station and received a large fine. Then sitting with officers in the board room, I forgot to report three of the five incidents. In these most recent incidents (which are now added to several others in the last two months) some items of value were taken -- yet again there was what I call "that weirdness". Two of my personal diaries were missing, and one remained but it was dismembered. Various personal documents had "received attention". In the photo above right, which I took today, one sees medical records which were removed from their sleeves. OBSERVATION: A police officer asked me today, Does a mob have an interest in you? I said Yes they do, but not the kind of mob you are thinking of. He said, My kind of mob is your kind of mob. However, who or what it might be, one cannot know until one knows. Somebody may be laughing over this post -- but they may meet their Moses.

POSTSCRIPT:  The police in Cape Town this month identified it as a trail of intimidation. The police in Caledon disagree. It's the difference between one big case of intimidation, or multiple cases of breaking and entering. Or perhaps both. But again, the police are speaking without having viewed any evidence in a long trail of incidents. It is certain that malicious sabotage is in the mix.

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