Friday, October 28, 2016

No Reverse

One sees in the saga surrounding our Minister of Finance dynamics which I have witnessed through ministry -- and experienced myself. Somebody accuses someone of an offence. They have an axe to grind, and the police are persuaded. The suspect pleads innocence, but is summoned and fingerprinted and stood against the wall, and so on. Now there's a big problem. If the suspect isn't found guilty, a whole lot of people are in the soup. They must prove guilt. There is too much at stake. They can't go into reverse now. Or perhaps they can delay. Stonewall. Deny. Threaten. Anything. OBSERVATION: There are however some advantages to the system. It should dissuade people from laying charges lightly -- and people can't withdraw them for strange reasons. An apology is probably the best reverse -- but apologies are risky, and many people are too proud.

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